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Dungeon Requirements: End-Game Dungeons

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Hello everyone and welcome to the final episode of our Dungeon Requirements guide series.

Today, we'll be delving into the culmination of this exciting adventure with the ultimate guide: End-Game Dungeons. This episode is specifically designed for those players who are relatively new to the game but have been steadily progressing and upgrading their gear. If you've been following along with our series, you'll have already learned the basics and requirements needed to get through various dungeons without a hitch.

In this final installment, we'll provide you with all the essential details for tackling end-game dungeons, ensuring that you're fully prepared to take on the biggest challenges and reap the most valuable rewards. Our goal is for you to enjoy your experience in Flyff Prologic to the fullest, and to feel the thrill and satisfaction of conquering these epic dungeons.

So, without further ado, make sure you have your gear ready and join us in this final guide that will take you to the next level in your Flyff Prologic journey. Let’s get to it!


Aminus and Cursed Aminus Dungeon:


In Aminus you will be able to collect the Evo Runes while in Cursed Aminus you will get the materials for the Evo Weapons. We will be covering these 2 dungeons simultaneously since they are quite similar and the tips we will be giving apply to both instances.

In Aminus you will have to defeat the 3 mini-bosses in order to face Drakul (The Final Boss). The dungeon is full of enemies, especially ants, that will follow the player throughout the dungeon, which is when Aminus becomes difficult, well, one of the several difficulties of this dungeon. Since it is not only the huge amount of enemies that will be following you throughout the dungeon, since also Lykan (The last mini-boss) and Drakul himself are a great challenge due to their high damage.

That's why we recommend that if you're new, don't go into this dungeon alone, as new players should team up with a tank and a DPS to safely get through the dungeon.

Now: Let's say you want to run Aminus solo, so keep in mind that despite having endgame gear, running this dungeon solo is not impossible, but it is a big challenge, you'll need a lot of Scrolls of Resurrection to be able to complete it.

The recommendations would be the following:

  • Solo: Have at least 600k-700k HP and good equipment (awakes, R cards, Legendary or Ancient weapons).

  • Team: The tank should have at least 900k HP, less than that: make sure you have high damage, as Lykan and Drakul can land hits of up to +1 million damage.

  • Pro Tip: Classes like Templar and Acrobat are ideal for running the dungeon solo. Bring a lot of Scrolls of Resurrection, as you will die frequently.

Among other recommendations: Go with a team, S-R Cards at least, 10% Cards, Weapon with Epic Rarity or Higher, 19-19-15 or 28-28-22 awakes, Perfect Pet with awake, Pickup Pet with Orbs, Scroll of Holy, Baruna Jewels, among others.



Mars Mine:


In Mars Mine you can receive Evo Plating Material; intended to be exchanged for parts of the Evo Set for your class.

Similar to many other dungeons, in Mars Mine you will have to defeat 4 mini bosses before facing the 2 Final Bosses of the Dungeon.

Throughout the dungeon many Naiphin and Yggdrasil Monsters will be following you and doing a lot of damage. This dungeon is a real challenge and doing it alone is almost impossible, our recommendation is to ALWAYS go with a team. At least 3 or 4 people to be able to complete the dungeon without problems, with a composition of at least: 1 Tank, 2 DPS.

The recommendations would be the following:

  • Tank with at least 1.1 million HP, less than that make sure you have high damage in your team to kill the bosses quickly.

  • Bring an Arcanist on your team to clear out Naiphin and Yggdrasil Monsters.

Among other requirements: R-X Cards, 10%-12% Cards, Weapons with Legendary or Ancient Rarity, Team of 5 people, Scrolls of Resurrection and Scrolls of Holy, 19-19-15 and 28-28-22 awakes, Baruna Jewels, Fashion with x3 awakes, among others.



Evolution Trials:


Here's the last dungeon in our guide and the hardest one in the game (for now). In Evo Trials you can farm Evo Beads for your pets and Evo Pets as a whole. In this dungeon you must defeat the 8 mini-bosses in order to face Xalathar (Final Boss).

Each mini-boss will have unique attack patterns and a lot of damage to kill you, so make sure you are well equipped and learn their attack patterns in order to survive!

Similar to Mars Mine, Evo Trials is an impossible dungeon to do solo, so you will need a team of at least 4 members to be able to do it efficiently. However, despite having a team, it is the hardest dungeon, and you will die a lot: so bring lots of Scrolls of Resurrection (as always in these Evo dungeons, death is certain).

Assuming you have a base comp of 1 Tank + 3 DPS minimum: The HP recommendation for the tank would be AT LEAST 1.4 million HP to make sure you don't die... that much. Less than that amount as always: make sure you have plenty of damage to kill bosses fast.

Among other recommendations: X Cards, 12% Cards, Evo Weapons with Evo Runes, Set Evo +20, 19-19-15 and 28-28-22 awakes, and the basics like: Perfect Pet with awakes, Pickup Pet with Beads, x3 awakes in fashion, among others.



And so we come to the end of our Dungeon Requirements guide series, at least for now. It's been an incredible journey to be able to share with all of you the knowledge and strategies necessary to conquer the most challenging dungeons in the game. This series was designed especially for those players who, being relatively new, have been improving and progressing in their equipment along the way. 

Today, with our final guide on the "End-Game Dungeons", we have covered all the essentials so that you are prepared for the greatest challenges of the game. We hope that every tip, every strategy and every detail provided has been of great help in your adventure through Flyff Prologic.

Even though this is the last episode of the series for now, we know that your journey in Flyff continues. Keep exploring, keep fighting and keep improving. We are sure that, with the tools and knowledge acquired, you will be more than ready for any challenge that comes your way. 

Thank you for joining us on this journey, for your dedication and for being part of this community. We bid you farewell with the hope of returning soon with more guides and content to help you reach new heights in Flyff Prologic. Until then, keep flying high and enjoy the game to the fullest! :Love:


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