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Xyro last won the day on April 30 2018

Xyro had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

5 Neutral


About Xyro

  • Birthday 9/4/1994

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1,745 profile views
  1. Congrats everyone! Thanks Sheena & Jello for the phenomenal event - the memes were hilarious
  2. Hi Sebastian! Welcome ?
  3. Hi Renz!
  4. Hi Jelly como estas?
  5. Hello everyone! Excited to be apart of the GM staff for Prologic FlyFF My name is Chris and I've been playing FlyFF for almost 10 years now (talk about nostalgia) and started playing private servers back in 2012. I look forward to helping the server grow and assisting with the marketing, PVP balance, and the in-game experience. During the weekdays I am usually online in the late evening (6PM+ - Eastern Standard Time) or I am testing on our beta test server. I would love to personally meet everyone in game - I usually host my buff sessions in Flaris; so if you see me make sure you say hi . If I am ever offline and you need to contact me or chat. Please feel free to contact me on the Prologic discord. Cheers, Xyro