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1 pointHero skills are powerful abilities unique to each class, obtained after reaching Hero status (level 121-H). These skills provide significant advantages in combat, making them essential for both PvE and PvP. However, leveling Hero skills differs from leveling up regular skills. This guide will cover the most effective methods to efficiently level up your Hero skill. Requirements & Preparation Before leveling your Hero skill, ensure you have the following: Hero status (Level 121-H) Several of each gem: Diamond Emerald Sapphire Ruby Topaz How to Acquire the Necessary Gems To obtain the required gems for leveling your Hero skill, you can use the following methods: 1. Defeating World Bosses Certain world bosses (Basilisk, Chief Keokuk) and certain dungeons (Kalgas, Behemoth) drop gems upon defeat. These bosses may have specific drop tables, so check which ones drop the gems you need. 2. Weapon Upgrading & Exchange System Obtain and upgrade Green weapons to +10, then exchange them for gems. You can get Green weapons by defeating boss mobs, or exchanging coupons at the Coupon Shop. The weapon type determines the gem you receive: Guardian Weapon +10 → 40 Topaz Historic Weapon +10 → 40 Ruby Angel Weapon +10 → 40 Sapphire Legendary Golden Weapon +10 → 40 Emerald Bloody Weapon +10 → 40 Diamond Talk to [Jewel Manager] Peach and select “Create Jewels” to exchange your weapon for gems. Leveling Up Your Hero Skill 1. Teleport to Volkane Press 'V' to open the teleporter menu. Select "[World Boss] Red Meteonyker" to teleport to Volkane. 2. Locate the NPC "Mysterious Robed Girl" Once in Volkane, find the Mysterious Robed Girl NPC. Interact with her and select "Level-up Hero Skill!" 3. Upgrade Your Hero Skill The maximum Hero Skill level is 5. Each upgrade attempt requires multiple gems. Success is not guaranteed, so bring plenty of gems to avoid running out before reaching max level.
1 pointThe Current Rebirth System The current Prologic FlyFF Rebirth system provides a good foundation for progression and character development, offering players a chance to reset their levels and gain bonuses. However, to keep players more engaged and invested in the game, an overhaul is needed. By introducing elements such as progressively increasing difficulty, dynamic leveling zones, and unique rewards like Rebirth Tokens for exclusive items, the system can evolve to offer more depth and variety. These changes will create a sense of achievement and encourage continuous play, ensuring that the player base remains excited about the journey to higher rebirths. 1. Max Rebirth Level: 100 Max Rebirth Level is now set to Rebirth 100. Requirement: Players must reach Level 150 at 99.99% EXP to be eligible for rebirth. The leveling experience is normal from 60-M to 150, but once players hit Level 150, EXP gain decreases exponentially to reach Level 150 with 99.99% EXP. 2. Perin Costs for Rebirths and Introduction of Rebirth Scrolls Rebirth 10-20: 1000 Perin per rebirth. Rebirth 21-30: 1250 Perin per rebirth or 1 Rebirth Scroll. Rebirth 31-40: 1500 Perin per rebirth or 2 Rebirth Scrolls. Rebirth 41-50: 1750 Perin per rebirth or 2 Rebirth Scrolls. Rebirth 51-95: 2000 Perin per rebirth or 2 Rebirth Scrolls. Rebirth 96-100: 3000 Perin per rebirth or 3 Rebirth Scrolls. Note: Rebirth Scrolls are premium shop items that can be purchased for 500 Logic Points each. 3. Incorporating Azria for Rebirth Leveling Azria as a Core Rebirth Zone: Azria becomes the central area for high-level rebirth players. There is now a distinction between Azria for Rebirth Leveling and Event Coin Farming (Rebirth 10+), although they share the same map. 4. Azria Mob Difficulty Level Maintain current Event Coin Farm Azria Mob difficulty for the Rebirth Farming Area. The current mob HP/Damage at the Event Coin Farm is a good starting point, but it should scale up as the mobs become tougher. For example, keep Yetti at its current HP/Damage, but Mutant Yetti, Augu, Mutant Augu, Prince, and others should scale accordingly to match the player's rebirth level, increasing difficulty toward Rebirth 100. 5. Rebirth Tokens and Card Purchases X Cards and 12% Cards are highly sought after but difficult to obtain in Prologic FlyFF. By introducing Rebirth Tokens with a small drop rate from Azria mobs, players can slowly accumulate these tokens and exchange them for these valuable items. This system provides a gradual, rewarding path to acquiring powerful cards, helping players enhance their gear and level more efficiently without making the items too easily accessible. Rebirth Tokens: Introduce Rebirth Tokens, which have a very small chance to drop from mobs in Azria. Token Usage: These tokens can be collected and used to purchase special items like: X Cards (e.g., Fire X, Water X), which enhance gear by adding elemental damage and resistances. 12% Cards, which are highly valuable for increasing stats such as HP, MP, DEF, or Attack by 12% when socketed into gear. Token Drop Rates: The drop rates for Rebirth Tokens should be low enough to make them rare and valuable, encouraging players to farm in Azria over time for the chance to earn these tokens and exchange them for powerful cards. 6. Azria Mob EXP Rates Mob EXP Rates in Azria cannot be amplified directly. These rates are capped and can only be increased by leveling with a partner. The system incentivizes partner leveling by doubling EXP when two players are working together. The EXP rates below reflect solo leveling. If you have a partner, the EXP is doubled for both of you. Azria Mobs EXP Rates and Rebirth Costs Yetti (Rebirth 10-20): EXP per mob: 0.05% Mutant Yetti (Rebirth 20-30): EXP per mob: 0.04% Augu (Rebirth 30-40): EXP per mob: 0.03% Mutant Augu (Rebirth 40-50): EXP per mob: 0.025% Ghost of the Forgotten Prince (Rebirth 50-70): EXP per mob: 0.02% Small chance to drop Rebirth Tokens Ghost of the Forgotten King (Rebirth 70-90): EXP per mob: 0.015% Small chance to drop Rebirth Tokens Mammoth (Rebirth 90-95): EXP per mob: 0.01% Small chance to drop Rebirth Tokens Cannibal Mammoth (Rebirth 95-100): EXP per mob: 0.005% Small chance to drop Rebirth Tokens 7. Rebirth Character Rewards Rebirth 1-10 HP Bonus: +2% HP per rebirth Damage Absorption: +1% per rebirth Max Total Bonus at Rebirth 10: HP: +20% Damage Absorption: +10% Rebirth 11-25 HP Bonus: +1% HP per rebirth Damage Absorption: +0.5% per rebirth PvE Damage Bonus: +1% per rebirth (starting at Rebirth 15) PvP Damage Bonus: +0.5% per rebirth (starting at Rebirth 20) EXP Gain: +1% per rebirth (starting at Rebirth 20) Max Total Bonus at Rebirth 25: HP: +35% Damage Absorption: +17.5% PvE Damage: +10% PvP Damage: +2.5% EXP Gain: +5% Rebirth 26-50 HP Bonus: +0.5% HP per rebirth Damage Absorption: +0.25% per rebirth PvP Damage Bonus: +0.5% per rebirth PvP Damage Reduction: +0.5% per rebirth (starting at Rebirth 30) EXP Gain: +1% per rebirth Speed Cap Bonus: +0.5% per rebirth (starting at Rebirth 40) Max Total Bonus at Rebirth 50: HP: +47.5% Damage Absorption: +25% (capped) PvE Damage: +20% PvP Damage: +15% PvP Damage Reduction: +10% EXP Gain: +30% Speed Cap: +5% Rebirth 51-100 HP Bonus: +0.25% HP per rebirth PvP Damage Bonus: +0.1% per rebirth (until PvP Damage reaches +20%) PvP Damage Reduction: +0.25% per rebirth Speed Cap Bonus: +0.25% per rebirth EXP Gain: +0.5% per rebirth (until EXP Gain reaches +50%) Max Total Bonus at Rebirth 100: HP: +50% (capped) Damage Absorption: +25% (capped) PvE Damage: +20% (capped) PvP Damage: +20% (capped) PvP Damage Reduction: +10% (capped) EXP Gain: +50% (capped) Speed Cap: +10% (capped) All Stats: +50 at Rebirth 100 This structured system not only encourages engagement but also revives the cooperative, classic leveling experience that many FlyFF players enjoyed.
1 pointCreate a new Premium Shop item "Scroll of Reforge Rarity Protection." That way, if you have a [Legendary] or [Epic] weapon, and you still want to try to upgrade it to an [Ancient], you can still reroll the rarity without losing the current rarity it has. That should incentivize some Logic Point purchases and help people maintain their equipment without the risk of rerolling a Legendary back to an [Uncommon].
1 pointThere is an item named Blessing of the Goddess (usually known as BOGs). You can get it through collection or from website, and it does add random stats on your fashion parts, like cloak, mask and sets. Every time you use a BOGs, it will give you a random stat, and the most used stats in Prologic Flyff are the following: increased critical damage, INT, STA, STR and MP. Usually, slayers, crackshooters, 1v1 FMs, 1v1 Templars and PVE Harlequins aim to get Increased Critical Damage on their gear, and it’s not different when it comes to fashion parts. Arcanists, mentalists, seraphs and tank classes uses to aim for STA. Arcanists and mentalists also aim for INT. Asal FMs usually goes for MP and HOP Harlequins for STR. The max stats you can get using a BOGs, in terms of the stats above, are the following: STR/STA/INT = +7 ICD = +7% MP = +150 To improve your fashion power, you can combine your fashion parts to increase the amount of stats you have each, just like the image below. To create a 3x lines fashion part, you have to do the following (read the whole instructions first, including the reminders): Use a BOG on a fashion part (cloak/mask, parts) until you get a max stat (read above the max stats list) – or you can buy it in Saint Morning Repeat the first step until you get three parts with the max stat you want (Ex.: 3x hairs with +7 STA) (or just buy three pieces) (Obs.: It DOESN’T MATTER if the fashion parts are female or male, you can use any) Bring the set where you aim to put the stats on to the [Fashion Composer] Nerupha NPC, which is located in [Town] Eastern Flarine center (Press ‘’V’’ then teleport to the second place in the list) Choose the option Fashion Combination, it will open the following screen below On the left column, under the word Keep, you have to put your final fashion set or parts (like PVE Brutal Set, normal Brutal Set or FV-13 Set, as example) On the right column, under the word Lose, you have to put the random fashion part which has the stat When you press START, the stat from your random fashion part will be transferred for your main fashion part. Your random fashion part will not be deleted Repeat the steps until you get three lines Reminder number one: you don’t need any security scroll because the process has a 100% success rate. Reminder number two: your cloak and your mask only allow one line of stat, so you better use the BOGs on your final mask/cloak or just buy your final mask/cloak already blessed. Reminder number three: your random fashion part can be of any gender, which means it doesn’t affect your combination if your final set is Male and your random fashion part is Female and vice-versa. Credits to Lucas for originally posting this guide in our Discord's guides section
1 point(Ringmaster/Seraph) Blessing of the Wiseman This skill restores 200,000 HP every 2 seconds for 4 seconds, providing the equivalent of consuming two seafood pizzas. Short-range area of effect, so party members must stay close to the Seraph to benefit from this healing. (Psykeeper/Mentalist) Stone Feet Reduces the target's MP/FP by 30%, hindering their ability to cast skills that rely on these resources. This makes it highly effective against opponents who use MP/FP for heavy-damage skills. (Knight/Templar) Templar's Call Slows the Templar’s movement speed by 200%, while increasing HP by 50% and reflecting 50% of incoming damage for 5-8 seconds. This skill reinforces the Templar’s tanking prowess, allowing them to survive longer when under attack by multiple enemies. (Ranger/Crackshooter) Eye of the Hawk In addition to increasing bow range, this skill grants the ability to detect invisible enemies, such as those using Dark Illusion. This accentuates Crackshooter's ability to pinpoint and attack.
1 pointFast Walker (acrobat skill) should give speed cap +10% instead of just speed. With molten potion, anybody can reach 250% speed, making the skill currently practically useless. Giving acrobat classes (Harlequin/Crackshooter) +10% speed cap would make them just a bit faster than every other class, emphasizing the "dexterity" and "speed" associated with these classes.
1 pointIt does take a while to level up, but you can minimize the client and let it run overnight a few times and you'll get there.
1 pointSuggestions for Enhancing the Seraph Class: Incorporating Holycross into DPS Calculations: Currently, in order for a Seraph to receive drops from boss monsters, they must engage in melee combat with their stick or use Merkaba Hanzelrusha to initiate damage. It would be more efficient and less disruptive if Holycross alone could count as DPS towards the boss. Furthermore, it would be beneficial if the DPS tracker recognized the increased damage resulting from a Holycross as part of the Seraph’s contribution. For instance, if a player’s damage increases from 100k to 150k due to Holycross, the additional 50k should be attributed to the Seraph’s DPS. Blessing of the Wiseman: Upon testing with a poison debuff from my Arcanist, I found that casting Blessing of the Wiseman with my Seraph did not remove the debuff, leading me to question the utility of this skill. To enhance its effectiveness, I propose that Blessing of the Wiseman be reworked as a single-target ability, rather than a party-wide one, with the capabilities of a Holy Scroll—removing all conditions, including stun, sneaker, etc. A longer cooldown could be implemented to balance this power. This adjustment would not only highlight the Seraph’s role as a support character but also significantly increase their utility during debuff-heavy boss fights and in PvP scenarios. Seraph Hero Skill "Return": The current Hero skill, "Return," which teleports the Seraph to the nearest town, is rendered obsolete by the game’s built-in teleporter. To enhance the distinction between Seraph buffs and those provided by the Buff Pang, I suggest replacing "Return" with a new, more impactful buff. This new Hero skill could potentially grant a PvP damage increase, PvE damage boost, or an All Stats enhancement, thus giving Seraph buffs a unique edge over the default Buff Pang offerings. These revisions aim to enhance the Seraph class's utility and distinctiveness, making the gameplay experience more rewarding for those who main this character.
1 pointIntroducing: The Evolution Trials Dungeon Step into the depths of the Evolution Trials dungeon, where eight unique mini-bosses await with their own set of challenges and rewards. As you traverse through this perilous domain, engage in battles with these mini-bosses to seize the chance of obtaining class pet beads, available in durations of 3, 30, or 90 days. These beads can be affixed to your chosen pet, enhancing your abilities immensely. Additionally, keep an eye out for the chance to acquire miniature pet versions of the formidable bosses themselves. To attach a class bead to your pet, you'll need the rare Orb of Bonding, obtainable exclusively from the final boss. Once bonded, your pet will emit a distinct glow, signalling its connection to a class bead. Each mini-boss within the Evolution Trials dungeon boasts specific drop rates tailored to their class type. Whether you seek Templar Evolution beads or Arcanist Evolution beads, you'll find them from their respective bosses. Additionally, bosses also yield fragments, providing an alternative means for obtaining desired items in case of unfavourable RNG. Conquer the challenges of the dungeon and face the final boss for a chance to discover a special item. Its identity remains a mystery, waiting to be unveiled by daring adventurers like yourself. Outside of the dungeon awaits a vendor selling class beads in both 3-day and 30-day options, along with all boss pets. The vendor also provides a service to combine 10 identical 3-day beads into a single 30-day bead, ensuring the value of all bead drops and fostering a healthy, long-term market for beads of varying durations. For those interested in Monster Hunter challenges, each mini-boss encounter presents its own progression list, culminating in unique silver animated weapon skins and titles. These rewards are not locked to classes, allowing all to revel in their achievements. Furthermore, completing the monster hunter achievement for the final boss grants access to an exclusive new mount. Prepare yourselves for an adventure like no other in the Evolution Trials dungeon! New LP Store Pets Four new pets have been released on the LP store, offering exciting alternatives to the ever-popular Charmander. While the Charmander remains a reliable option with balanced stats suitable for all classes, these new companions serve as side-grades, excelling in specific gameplay styles. Whether you're seeking heightened ICD, PVE damage, Magic attack rates, or Attack rates, these new pets provide fresh strategies to enhance your character. Plus, we've also included them in the roulette tables for even more chances to acquire these fantastic companions for those who wish not to donate. Evo Pets Adjustments We've heard your feedback regarding the challenges of acquiring Evo pets due to their steep resource requirements. With the rollout of our latest pet-focused update, we've taken the opportunity to rebalance each Evo pet, offering significant improvements that even surpass their LP store counterparts. It's important to note that these revamped Evo pets are not available for purchase with LP, nor will they ever be. They represent the epitome of grind-to-win and free-to-play, serving as the best-in-slot pets for dedicated players. New Player Progression In response to feedback from our community regarding the need to enhance the new player experience, we've made some significant adjustments. Recognizing the sizable gap between not having PVE runes and obtaining them, we're addressing this issue head-on. The requirement for PVE damage has become paramount, yet the journey to acquire PVE runes and a +20 Baruna weapon can be daunting for newcomers. Therefore, to foster a more balanced and enjoyable progression path, we're introducing several key changes: Level 130 Reward: New players reaching level 130 will now receive a 1-day Torch to aid them on their journey. Ruby Farming in Savage Wilds: Prepare to delve into the Savage Wilds, where new rubies (PVE up to 20%) can be farmed. These rubies can be pierced into level 75, 80, or 95 Ultimate weapons, providing a significant boost to damage. Diamond Farming in Les Britannia S: Venture into Les Britannia S and unearth new diamonds (PVE up to 36%). These precious gems can be pierced into level 110 or 139 Ultimate weapons. We've heard your concerns about the formidable Beast Overlord Khan, and have adjusted his damage output to ensure that players of all classes can overcome this challenge with confidence. Additionally, to provide comprehensive support for both new and seasoned players alike, we'll be rolling out video guides covering all classes and main features in the coming months. We believe that these enhancements will not only streamline the new player experience but also contribute to the long-term growth and sustainability of our community. We welcome all feedback in regards to new player progression and will be mindful more may need to be done over time. Other Gameplay Improvements Guild Clash Summoning Restriction: Friends can no longer be summoned during guild clashes. Enhanced Flying Follow Functionality: While flying, the follow function has been refined to prevent losing the target. Simply press 'Z' to smoothly follow a selected player. VIP Time as Pet Medicine: VIP time now serves as pet medicine, eliminating the need to feed pets. Why did we not do this years ago… Character Stats Window: Added Lucky-Box, PVE damage, PVP damage, PVE damage absorption, PVP damage absorption to the stat window. Bug Fixes Evo Rune Icon Issue: Resolved the issue where Evo Runes displayed incorrect icons when equipped in weapons. Blain Set and Jesis Set Stats: Fixed stats for the Blain Set and Jesis Set. Mask Model Change Error: Corrected the issue where both models were visible when changing from a regular mask to an animated mask. Teleportation Error: Addressed the occasional occurrence of players ending up in empty areas after teleporting outside of a dungeon. Invisible Players While Flying: Fixed the issue causing players to disappear while flying. Stuck in Empty Areas While Flying: Players will no longer become stuck in empty areas while flying. Thank you everyone!