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About Consumables

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Since this server has PVP in its core, sometimes it gets really inconvenient to gather and remember every consumable every time. Things such as: Furnitures, Upcuts , Eels, Beads and etc.It also takes around 3k-4k RC per siege. Some of the consumables are also not present in the current shop such as Pride of Victory, cotton candy, balloons, flasks/elixirs, and FLYFORFUN cards(the cards are found only on the mocomochi event). With the new FFA update its gonna be more of a hassle. 

So to make things less painful here are my suggestions, feel free to criticize them:

1.) Create a consumable shop where everything can be found or add the missing consumables to the existing one. 

2.) Create an item box called PVP Supply Crate where all of the stuff are found there and maybe even drop these on unfarmed bosses such as basilisk/keokuk/darktras boss

3.) Reduce the number of consumables existing in the game, I personally think there's no point in having too many consumables to discover and get an edge on your opponent that way. The only reason why all of it existed in official is because the original devs were desperate to fund the game.  

4.) Change siege rewards from gold coins to RC. However, I personally think the RC prize should be equal among all participants to encourage everyone to play even if they dont have maxed gear. This could give incentives for players to actually join siege. Right now gold coins do not hold any value.

Edited by Phalanxeer
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heyo ^^ from the perspective of a normal player, i dont really do pvp much so im not really into the whole limiting the consumables as such, there are more people like me who only do pve such as bosses etc. we also require a constant use of consumable or "dopas".

also regarding the siege reward im somewhat conflicted, cause yes i agree that gold coins have no current value, but the best option would be to make items worth gold coins not change the rewards to rc, currently a lot of players make money based off selling rc so i think it will affect the markets alot o-o (sorry to come off as a nerd xD).  

regarding the reward per player, its not a good idea to have the same reward for everyone, yes it will encourage more people to join but for all the wrong reasons, if you set up siege with everyone getting the same rewards people will abuse the system, include multiple accounts just to get the rewards (idk if ya get wut i mean x.x). 

but all in all im grateful for you bringing this all up :3 thanks

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I think the best option would be to add the missing consumables to the  RC shop and add consumable drops/RC drops on bosses. That way the consumables would be more accessible in the market. Ths could also make dungeon farming more reliable in the future because it is normal for every RPG for equipment ( weapons, armors, etc.) to deflate in value. You only need to buy your gear once which in turn make end-game equipment prices very low it happened in many servers I've been. Consumables on the otherhand are constantly in demand by players. Its like fuel for a car. The demand for "dopas" is consistent therefore the price is stable which in turn will make dungeon running economically viable and active in the long run.

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hmm i mean aside from the flyforfun cards i think all the others are quite obtainable, pride of victory and cotton candy drop quite a lot :o i'd say add flyforfun cards in rc shop but have to make sure not to confuse newer players then with the letters and such ^^" and balloons could be included in vote shop?

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Yes, but what I worry is that the pride of victory is only obtainable through cash shop or collecting which I think is a minor issue to be fixed. Some people decide not to use collectors because it's no fun :D

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