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Patch Notes - Balance Update and Asia Route

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Balance Update and New Shields:
We have implemented a balance update aimed at enhancing gameplay for classes that lack shields. As part of this update, we are introducing three new shields in to Behemoth: the Crackshooter Shield, Harlequin Shield, and Arcanist Shield. Furthermore, we have added Evo versions of these shields in the Cursed Animus. The Evo Crackshooter Shield, Evo Harlequin Shield, and Evo Arcanist Shield.

Please note that for these new shields and their Evo counterparts, only the shield's stats and BoBo rarity will apply. Awakening or adding piercing cards to these shields is not possible, as we have made this decision for balancing purposes. However, rest assured that we will continue releasing additional stats as needed to maintain class equilibrium.


Evo Seraph Shield Enhancement and Evo Oracle Adjustment:
Among the new enhancements, we have introduced the Evo Seraph Shield, a formidable shield that grants an additional 10% melee block, bolstering your defences and providing greater survivability in battle. Additionally, the Evo Oracle has also undergone a change. The previous 35% decrease in casting time has been replaced with a 10% increase in attack damage. These adjustments aim to refine the class's playstyle and ensure a fair balance of abilities.


Clockwork Lucky Drop and Rewards Rebalancing:
As a result of the community vote, we have reevaluated the rewards of the Clockwork dungeon as well as launched the Lucky Drop system. The dungeon has been rebalanced to address player feedback and improve the overall experience. One notable change includes a significant reduction in the number of S card fragments. In their place, we have added more valuable rewards such as S cards, R card fragments, and even whole R cards to the different rarity tables. Players will have a better opportunity to obtain higher-tier cards and enhance their character strength. This change aims to make the Clockwork dungeon more enticing and rewarding for all participants.

With the rebalancing of the Clockwork dungeon, we aim to bring it back into relevance within Pologic. The adjustments made to the rewards and rarity tables ensure that both new and old players can progress and enjoy the dungeon's challenges while maintaining a fair gear progression. We appreciate the community's input, as it has helped shape these changes for a better gaming experience.


New Asia Route:
We are delighted to share some exciting news with our Asia-based players. We have launched an new Asia route to further improve connectivity to Prologic for players in their region based on feedback received from V1.

We understand how crucial a stable and responsive connection is for your gameplay, and we are doubling down on our efforts to provide the best possible experience for our Asia-based players. 


Automatic Invasions:

We have some great news to share with you all. We've now introduced a new feature that I'm sure you'll find quite useful. We have implemented automatic invasions into the game, scheduled to occur every 3 hours! This means you no longer have to depend solely on staff availability to enjoy invasions. Now, the system will handle the generation of invasions, ensuring a more consistent and accessible experience for all players.


Thank you everyone, we appreciate your continued support and feedback!


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